Etiquetado Termoencogible.

Tamper Evident Bands and Sleeve Applicators
Hot Air and Steam Shrink Tunnels


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Tamper Evident Bands and Sleeve Applicators

Air and Steam Application Available

Protect your products from tapering and brand them at the same time with tamper evident bands and shrink sleeve applicators from BellatRx. We offer a wide range of banding and sleeving machines, shrink sleeve labeling and tamper-evident band, designed and configured for each customer’s containers, shrink materials, and performance requirements.

Our shrink neck band and sleeve applicator is used to apply temper evident neck bands to a variety bottles and containers. The banders are available in several models for neck and full body bands using shrinkable band materials. Learn more about our neck and body banders and shrink tunnels by clicking on the links below.

Industries we serve:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Biotechnology and Diagnostics
  • Nutraceutical
  • Food and Beverage
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care
  • Chemicals and Household Products
  • Cannabis


Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

Banding and Sleeving Solutions:

Our Banding and Sleeving Videos:

Liquid – Household Product – SL-50 Bander with Steam Tunnel

Solid Dose – Pharma – SL-50 Bander – with Heat Tunnel


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